Safe-Dry® Carpet Cleaning in Murfreesboro
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Address: 2201 Southgate Blvd Suite A Murfreesboro TN 37128
We specialize in the cleaning of carpets, rugs, and upholstery, using the perfect blend of eco-friendly solutions. With our process, you no longer have to worry about harsh chemicals affecting the health of your loved ones.
Our carpets, upholstery, and rugs need to be maintained. Vacuuming them on a regular basis is a great start. To extend the life of your fabrics and keep a healthy environment for you and your family, routine cleaning is a necessity. It is recommended that you have your carpets, rugs and upholstery cleaned, at a minimum, every 12-18 months. This time frame varies depending on the amount of traffic they incur.
Safe-Dry® Carpet Cleaner is one of the most reputable carpet cleaning services in Murfreesboro. We are licensed and insured. For the convenience of our customers, we schedule exact appointment times and will notify you if there is even a 15-minute delay.
We don’t use chemicals or harsh detergents meaning our process is safe for you, your family and your fabrics. Your carpets, rugs and upholstery dry within the hour, leaving no risk of mold or mildew creating in your fabrics. Choose Safe-Dry® and Live Cleaner.
Still have questions? Please give our office a call and let our friendly staff give you all the answers you need. We look forward to you joining our thousands of other happy customers that have chose Safe-Dry® time after time!